It was a pleasure to be interviewed by my peer and my good friend Michael Steverson, and an honor to be featured in 1x Magazine, which has set the standard for excellence in modern photography.
It was a pleasure to be interviewed by my peer and my good friend Michael Steverson, and an honor to be featured in 1x Magazine, which has set the standard for excellence in modern photography.
CIGAR AFICIONADO Magazine reviewed my VANISHING CUBA book and decided it must be in their 2022 Father’s Day Gift Guide. And to be listed at the top of the selection is extra sweet! What an honor!
UK-based PROFESSIONAL PHOTO Magazine features my friend Mario (from my Vanishing Cuba book cover) on their magazine’s cover for the June 2022 issue.
Cuba – the Caribbean island, is surely one of the most photographed places in the world. The light, the colours, the people, and the life on the streets: each moment seems to offer a perfect opportunity for a picture. One photographer who has explored Cuba repeatedly, through the perspective of his camera, is the American Michael Chinnici. His gorgeous photo book draws on the wealth of stories, experiences and encounters he has gathered during more than twenty trips in recent years. There is no doubt that the New York-based photographer has been successful in his efforts to capture the “soul of Cuba” in pictures.
The first VANISHING CUBA book review is in and it’s by British-based DIGITAL CAMERA WORLD Magazine. It’s always exciting when a publication does an independent review of your work. So when Digital Camera World asked us for a book to review, it was our pleasure to provide one.
Earlier this month, Shades of Grey sister magazine Shades of Color featured a comparable 32-page pictorial and interview. I was the first featured artist in this beautifully designed 238-page magazine for the second time.
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