I am honored to have my Cuba photography and Vanishing Cuba book featured in the November issue of PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER Magazine.
Amanda Arnold from PPA (Professional Photographers of America) says, “Twenty-four trips to Cuba and tens of thousands of photographs were the inspiration for Michael Chinnici’s photobook “Vanishing Cuba” (Red Octopus Publishing). The 348-page coffee-table book includes 300 images documenting Cuba’s reemergence from 60 years of isolation. The collection is intended to convey the soul of Cuba, and Chinnici’s love affair with the country and its people shines through. Chinnici is a New York-based documentary photographer and CEO of Photo Workshop Adventures, a photo tour company.”
Click here to read the PPA article.
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On September 28, 2021, I departed New York for Milan, Italy, to oversee the printing and production of my long-awaited Vanishing Cuba book. I was headed to my printer, Longo AG, in Bolzano, Italy. My man at Longo, Giuseppe, picked me up at the airport, and we began our four-hour journey across Northern Italy. Giuseppe had been working with me for two years on this project, and he knew exactly what I was looking to achieve. After multiple espressos stops along the Autostrade, we arrived at Longo in the late afternoon. The espresso stops were a good indication of what was to come. Non-stop espresso, all day, every day, for the next two weeks!
What an honor to be selected by FOTONOSTRUM Magazine for their September issue, where they feature 18 pages of photography from my soon-to-be-released Vanishing Cuba book.
FotoNostrum Magazine is associated with FotoNostrum, Mediterranean House of Photography, a parent company of WonderPick Ltd, and The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards.
FUJILOVE Magazine first featured my Cuba photography in their July 2021 issue (see blog post), and now they surprise me with a 16-page spread in their September issue, this time featuring my Vanishing Cuba book. Wow! Please have a look at this wonderful interview by Stephanie Baxter, Managing Editor for FujiLove.
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