We add the prestigious Johns Hopkins University Library to our long list of elite Universities that have acquired the Vanishing Cuba book for their reference libraries.
We add the prestigious Johns Hopkins University Library to our long list of elite Universities that have acquired the Vanishing Cuba book for their reference libraries.
William & Mary selects the Vanishing Cuba “Reserve Edition” book for its renowned reference library. What an honor! The Reserve Edition is a special limited edition collectors edition.
Such an honor to have Vanishing Cuba reside within the halls of The Bodleian Library – University of Oxford—one of the greatest Universities in the world.
What another honor to know that my Vanishing Cuba book can be found in the majestic Old Library at Trinity College Dublin, where some of Ireland’s most ancient and valuable books are stored.
I am proud to have my VANISHING CUBA book in the reference library at the CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF THE ARTS (CALARTS).
It was a pleasure to hear that NYC’s SCHOOL OF VISUAL ARTS (SVA) acquired VANISHING CUBA for its library. SVA is a multidisciplinary college of art and design known for its unparalleled faculty and innovative curriculum.
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